Thursday, July 2, 2015

[Giveaway] 5 Year Blogoversary // Post-night shift rant

I've just come from a night shift, so things are going to get rambly and emotional and maybe a bit personal. If you're only here for the giveaway, scroll down until you hit gold! Don't worry, no hard feelings. I probably wouldn't read this either because, come on, who cares?

Gah! I made this graphic for my first blogoversary, and as much as that cut-off 'y' is bugging me, I'm not going to change it or fix it or make a new graphic. Because I'm kind of fond of it. Because in the past I'm sure I was very proud of my efforts. (Okay, I'm also a tiny bit lazy too.)

I've been horribly, despicably, inexcusably MIA--hang on, life just got in the way. A lot, a lot, a lot of life. Full-time work. Family stuff. Friends stuff. Relationship stuff. Basically everything in my life has been a constant whirlwind of change and uncertainty and confusion and emotions have been blaring every which way that I just didn't have the mental capacity to even open up Blogger most days. There were many many times I contemplated, "I really should write this review today," and then almost instantaneously turned my mind to other matters.

But. I think I'm finally at a place where my mind has cleared a bit. I have a tendency to over-think things and let it all get the best of me, and all the while my lovely blog has been patiently waiting for me, waiting for me to give it the attention, love and *ahem* traffic it so rightly deserves. *gets out the feather duster* I've sorely neglected it for way too long, and I don't even know if I can truly keep this up (I have a bad track record with consistency here--but hey! I always seem to come back, don't I?) but I'm going to try my hardest.

Because. Bottom line... I still love reading. Reading, books, the written language, speech and writing are integral to my being, sort of like a life source. I'm sure many other book bloggers can sort of relate to what I'm trying to say here. While I'm not as type-happy as many others out there there must be a reason why I keep coming back to this blog, why I have not given up on it.

I still remember the first time I received recognition for being a book blogger. T from Penguin Australia got in contact with me via email offering to send me books in exchange for reviews. I practically shrieked with elation when I opened that email, and as I rapidly typed a response, mind on fire, heart soaring with passion.. or something... I think... it must have been then that I knew there was no going back. I was now firmly, irreversibly a reader. A bookworm. A book nerd. You only have to take a quick glance at my room to know that. I could see no end in sight.

Months ago I actually contemplated whether this blog still had a place in my life. I'm glad to say that, for the foreseeable future, yes it does. Whether or not I actually have readers here kind of... doesn't matter for me. I just like to have a place of my own where I can ramble on about books. :) That's how it was for me at the start, and that's how I always want it to be. This blog is just me and my thoughts, first and foremost.

In the past year or two I guess I haven't done anything too noteworthy as a book blogger.

I attended Teen Con 2015, but--
  1. I showed up late (so I was seated at the back),
  2. Didn't make any notes (so unprepared, I know!),
  3. Didn't contact any fellow bloggers that I'll be there (besides one, who is like the only one I have added on Facebook)... 
Basically, I just went as a reader. And it was a lot of fun. The publicists (many I have not had the pleasure of meeting in person, but now I can at least place a face to some names!) got super heated up and competitive. Only happens when lots of book nerds are at the same place at the same time! And don't forget about the freebies! :D Next year, hopefully I'll be a bit more involved.

I also went to the Hachette YA Blogger Night back in August 2014. (Laini Taylor! Ahhh!!!) Bumped into a few bloggers I actually recognised. I was astonished (and intimidated) by the sheer amount of people there. Felt sort of old even though I look as young as a girl in high school anyway. :P The girls I sat next to were very nice and accommodating. (I have them on Twitter... but I've now since forgotten who they were. >_<) I hate places where I barely know anyone. Literally had a mini freak out when I walked in and I was like OMG WHERE AM I GOING TO SIT? PEOPLE EVERYWHERE... GAH! You can probably even see the fear in my eyes, like Get me out of here! in that photo, like OMG Laini Taylor is like RIGHT THERE, do you guys even realise!?!?!?

Please invite me to more things. I'm a HOOT! XD

As for actual blogging, I'm not even going to look for numbers, because that will only depress me. Let's just say... this year will be better. Now that all of that reflection (ew, yuck!) is out of the way, here's the only reason why you're here... THE GIVEAWAY!

The Giveaway

Win a pre-order of any of these hot 2015 YA releases!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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