"Memes are fun! Well, some of them are at least."
Hosted by Arielle (Chimneys and Magic)!
Day 4: Favourite book of your favourite series

Yesterday I concluded with HARRY POTTER as my favourite series. Now I haven't finished any series yet (which possibly drives home my preference for standalones), HP included. Hey, I made it to the 5th book! I remember they were all going through a portal or something, haha it was all so long ago, but that's ALL I remember of Order of the Phoenix.
My favourite (so far, and to my recollection) is Goblet of Fire (I absorbed the whole thing, no contest my fave), with Prisoner of Azkaban (SIRIUS BLACK & Remis Lupin! *ahem* I don't actually remember the plot though XD) in 2nd place.

What is the favourite book of your favourite series?