"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.
I've been really slacking with these. Just haven't been bothered. But here we go again, keeping track of the books I will so go ahead and buy. Once I'm off my Book Buying Ban that is. :P
Or at least I'll "wait on" Aussie editions and releases this time around . . .
Every now and then my Waiting on Wednesday will be {APW}.
Title: Saving June {goodreads}
Author: Hannah Harrington
Release Date (dd/mm/yy): 01/05/11
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Why am I waiting on this?
Can't believe it's already been 2 months since this released in Australia. Too bad I'm on BBB at the moment. I will read it one day! Given the reviews that it's gathered, I'm going to love this one. Contemporary YA! ♥

Author: Bill Condon *
Release Date (dd/mm/yy): 01/08/11
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Why am I waiting on this?
I'll admit that initially I was not at all interested in this book, but then it kind of struck me just how relevant this book may be to me. Maybe not with the specifics, but the actual dealing with change by way of finishing school.
Title: A Long, Long Sleep {goodreads}
Author: Anna Sheehan
Release Date (dd/mm/yy): 18/08/11
Publisher: Hachette UK (Orion)
Why am I waiting on this?
Part fairytale, part dystopian. I've heard great things about this book and I love the pretty blue and stringent detail on this cover. Not sure if it's actually being released by Aussie Hachette though . . .
Title: All These Things I've Done {goodreads}
Author: Gabrielle Zevin
Release Date (dd/mm/yy): 01/09/11
Publisher: Pan Macmillan
Author: Gabrielle Zevin
Release Date (dd/mm/yy): 01/09/11
Publisher: Pan Macmillan
Why am I waiting on this?
Title: Virtuosity {goodreads}
Author: Jessica Martinez
Release Date (dd/mm/yy): 27/10/11
Publisher: Simon & Schuster UK/AU
Why am I waiting on this?
If you don't know already, I have a soft spot for books related in any way to performing arts. The main character's drive is music. She plays violin, an instrument I've always wanted to pick up. Plus this cover is very pretty. :)
Title: Audition {goodreads}
Author: Stasia Ward Kehoe
Release Date (dd/mm/yy): 31/10/11
Publisher: Penguin AU
Author: Stasia Ward Kehoe
Release Date (dd/mm/yy): 31/10/11
Publisher: Penguin AU
Why am I waiting on this?
* only one of these releases is actually by an Aussie author
Which one of these covers appeals most to you?
If you were to see these lined up at your local bookshop, which would you pick up
and which would you pass by?
Thanks for visiting my weekly (AHEM) WoW post. ♥
Comment with your WoW post and I'll check it out!