Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and the Bookish.
This week has another really interesting topic that I couldn't pass up on. I have a bit more than 10 authors on my auto-buy list... I feel like I'm just repeating the same authors over again and again and again. But I love their books so much.
This week has another really interesting topic that I couldn't pass up on. I have a bit more than 10 authors on my auto-buy list... I feel like I'm just repeating the same authors over again and again and again. But I love their books so much.
Top Ten Authors on my Auto-Buy List
Gayle Forman [contemp] ~ If I Stay was one of my first YA reads. I've re-read IIS and WSW twice and once, respectively. I devoured Just One Day, stopping every now and then to grab a tissue.
Stephanie Perkins [contemp] ~ Obviously. So I didn't buy any of her books (perks of being a reviewer, I suppose), but that doesn't mean I wouldn't rush to preorder something of hers. Her debut, Anna and the French Kiss, is lovely-sweet and has even won the hearts of many non-contemp fans.
Holly Cupala [contemp] ~ In 2010 I was really involved in her debut's (Tell Me A Secret) e-launch event. I was lucky enough to win her book and I fell in love. TMAS was the first rave review I've written. Don't Breathe A Word . . . It. Was. So. Good.
Tara Kelly [contemp - music] ~ Harmonic Feedback was slick with musical terminology, with characters flawed but relatable. A sterling debut contemp novel. Amplified was so enjoyable. The romance is adorable! Cannot wait for the companion to Amplified.
A.S. King [contemp] ~ Her writing style is unconventional, her characters well-defined and realistic. I adore King. She's one of my best examples of an auto-buy author. I barely read the synopses of her books before I hand over the money.
Ruta Sepetys [historical] ~ Between Shades of Gray broke me. Already have Out of the Easy pre-ordered. I'll be tearing into it as soon as it arrives. Heard a lot of great things already!
Veronica Roth [dystopia] ~ Divergent astonished me. It was like nothing I'd ever read and I read it in practically one sitting. I quite enjoyed Insurgent--not as much as the first, granted, but the ending has really gotten me stoked for the third book!
Beth Revis [dyst./sci] ~ Frexity frex. This series. I'm still recovering. Still need to write my review for Shades of Earth, which I've consciously been avoiding because it'll be like saying goodbye to the trilogy.
Sarah J. Maas [fantasy] ~ I really loved her novellas and Throne of Glass was just amazing. This lovely gal is a sucker for fairytales, meaning we'll be seeing fairytale-retellings from her. Which is exciting. Yay!
Kristin Cashore [fantasy] ~ I don't need to say anything. I'm still waiting on the US pb release for Bitterblue (they must match!).
Also have to mention . . .
- Lauren Oliver (all her books have come for review so far...)
- Zoe Marriott (loved Shadows on the Moon! But still haven't gotten her other books.)
- Kirsten Hubbard (Wanderlove was one of my favourites of 2011. I'm antsy for her next release! Like Mandarin was also really good.)
- Laura Buzo (Aussie author! Her stories are poignant and intricately woven together. Her debut is now out in the US: Love and Other Perishable Items.)
- Erin Bow (Plain Kate/Wood Angel, simply unforgettable. Her second novel, Sorrow's Knot, comes out later this year!)
- John Green (still haven't gotten all his books since TFiOS but I certainly want to, and I'll probably preorder any of his future books)