Publisher: Disney-Hyperion
Pages: 336
Pages: 336
Source: Gift
Genre: YA (14+) - Contemporary
Genre: YA (14+) - Contemporary
My Rating:
![]() |
Warm and fuzzy read |
My thoughts
Note: Do you want to know when I read this book? January 27 to February 01, 2012.
Let that sink in... it is now January 2014. And I am only now getting around to reviewing this book. This book, which I absolutely adored. This book has been sitting on my to-review pile for TWO WHOLE YEARS. Now hand me my laziest book blogger award! :D Despite the lapse in time I feel the story is still fresh enough in my mind that I can review it without the reread (though I do hope for one in the near future!).

Leigh Nolan is a psych-major freshman at Stiles College, a small liberal arts college in California. And... the transition to college life has been stressful, to say the least. The teachers expect too much of her. She and her boyfriend of one year are having problems. A thirteen-year-old is figuratively kicking her ass. But she still has her best-roommate-ever, Ami, who understands her insane obsession over cheesy romance novels and hosts the best pep-talks ever. And then there's Nathan, Andrew's roommate, who she can't seem to get out of her mind...
Drool.................................. Nathan.....................
Okay, so I guess that can't make up the whole of my review. *clears throat* Let's continue, shall we?
I remember discovering the existence of this book, and getting hyped up about it, from Nomes (inkcrush). It's set in university, which was completely relevant to my life at that point. Once I was enrolled at uni I became obsessed with finding YA that was set in uni. There aren't that many out there, but the one that I did end up acquiring a copy of and reading? Absolutely fluffy, glorious, heart-fluttery brilliant.
Leigh Nolan is just the right amount of unsure-of-herself-unsure-of-anything. Because that's how I felt when I was coming into university, so naturally I could relate to all of that well. She's also completely human: apt to make mistakes and learn from them. This book is just as much about her finding out what she wants to do for the rest of her life, as well as finding out who she is and who she wants to be with. She is at a kind of crossroads; which is what the adolescence to "new adult" years are ALL about.
Psych Major Syndrome was light, fun and left me with a bubbly feeling in my heart. It was just lovely all around. The writing isn't difficult to read; the story and concepts aren't difficult to grasp at all. While I'll admit I don't remember a lot of the details in this book I can recall its absolute entertainment value, its smooth pacing; the syrupy-sweet romance between Leigh and Nathan...
So, I guess that leads me to finally talking about the romance. As if I didn't want to talk about that all along! At the beginning, Leigh is with Andrew, and despite their being together for a whole year they still haven't had sex! *le gasp* Andrew is kind of a massive douchebag, selfish and a bit of a control freak; he pressures her into having sex, attempt #2, Leigh isn't sure she can trust him and goes into a diatribe about the necessity of condoms and concludes by sharing her doubts about it all... ensue awkward sleep-together-without-sleeping-together. So yeah, their relationship pretty much sinks and who is there to pick up the pieces? NATHAN! And I can't even begin to explain why he's so... just go and read it and fall in love with him for yourself! He's one of the most swoonworthy literary guys I've ever read; so, so, so much love! I can't wait to reread this book and meet him all over again.
A fun quirk added to this book is that with every chapter is a new psychology term or phrase that somehow relates to how Leigh is feeling or what the situation is at that point in the story. If I were a first year psychology major, or even pre-uni and thinking about going into psychology, I think I would totally geek out over it! Even now, as I am, I love that Thompson decided to include that in her book.
One tiny complaint that I have is that there isn't nearly enough of the uni experience and environment included in the story.
Psych Major Syndrome is the perfect rainy-day, gloomy-mood book. It is the most effective pick-me-up I can think of, besides Anna and the French Kiss. This book is completely fluffy and will leave you feeling warm all over; Alicia Thompsons' debut YA novel has earnt a place on my favourites shelf and will forever be one of those books that I will pick up when I'm in need for a feel-good story. Don't read this expecting a whole lot of substance; just read, smile, laugh, cry... enjoy. I really, really hope that Thompson continues to write because I think she could become a favoured author of mine.
First line: 'Psychology is a load of crap.'
Favourite quotes:
"Sometimes art is aesthetically pleasing, with no other reason behind it. And I started to think . . . maybe other stuff was like that. Maybe it was okay if every little thing didn't have a rationale behind it or take on some scary kind of significance. Maybe I should just let it go. (36)
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All opinions written here are entirely my own. No one paid me to love this book!