1. Which book has been on your TBR for the longest?
Prada and Prejudice by Mandy Hubbard is up there. Been on my shelves from about October 2010.
2. Name an author you've been wanting to read for ages now?
Melina Marchetta. Seriously. I do plan to read On the Jellicoe Road before the film comes out, so hopefully soon I can ammend this terrible injustice.
3. Tell me a series you're determined to finish but need to play catch up with?
I keep pretty up to date with most series that I want to finish. There are many that I need to start. :P As for series that I still need to read the third book of, well, there's Bitterblue, The Lucky Ones, Promised, The FitzOsbornes at War, Champion... There are way too many series that I've started but don't intend on finishing, which might drive some people crazy but I'm not going to force myself to get through a series if I've started it. That's just torture.
4. Let's go one better - tell me a full series you want to read but haven't started yet?
Gone by Michael Grant
5. What are five books published over a year ago that you want to read this year?
On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta
Guitar Highway Rose by Lois Lowry
Prada and Prejudice by Mandy Hubbard is up there. Been on my shelves from about October 2010.
2. Name an author you've been wanting to read for ages now?
Melina Marchetta. Seriously. I do plan to read On the Jellicoe Road before the film comes out, so hopefully soon I can ammend this terrible injustice.
3. Tell me a series you're determined to finish but need to play catch up with?
I keep pretty up to date with most series that I want to finish. There are many that I need to start. :P As for series that I still need to read the third book of, well, there's Bitterblue, The Lucky Ones, Promised, The FitzOsbornes at War, Champion... There are way too many series that I've started but don't intend on finishing, which might drive some people crazy but I'm not going to force myself to get through a series if I've started it. That's just torture.
4. Let's go one better - tell me a full series you want to read but haven't started yet?
Gone by Michael Grant
5. What are five books published over a year ago that you want to read this year?
On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta
Guitar Highway Rose by Lois Lowry
Ask the Passengers by A.S. King
Looking for Alaska by John Green
Days of Blood and Starlight (#2) by Laini Taylor
6. Which book have you been wanting to reread but haven't got the chance?
So many! The first one that pops to mind is Anna and the French Kiss. I adore that book hardcore but still haven't given it a reread since I first read it in 2010!
7. To finish, give me one book to film adaptation you missed in the cinema but want to catch on DVD?
The Perks of Being A Wallflower... can you believe I STILL have not seen this film?
6. Which book have you been wanting to reread but haven't got the chance?
So many! The first one that pops to mind is Anna and the French Kiss. I adore that book hardcore but still haven't given it a reread since I first read it in 2010!
7. To finish, give me one book to film adaptation you missed in the cinema but want to catch on DVD?
The Perks of Being A Wallflower... can you believe I STILL have not seen this film?