So at the end of 2013 I was looking for something that would help me wrap up the reading/blogging year for me. I finally found it! This challenge consists of one question a day, for the first two weeks of the new year. I'm coming into this a little bit late, but that's never stopped me before! Thanks to Parajunkee for your continued creativity!
Day Seven: Top Ten Book Blogger Pet Peeves
- Music that turns on immediately as you load the page. If I have to mute my speakers to be on your blog (meaning I couldn't find where the music was coming from) you're doing something wrong.
- Too many images everywhere or too big and flashy.
- Bad grammar, sloppy editing. This is a big thing for me as I've naturally always been a stickler for correct use of the language. I still make mistakes, but don't mistake your "your"s with "you're", or "too" with "to", "there" with "they're", etc. Use spell check, or type in MS Word before you post.
- No/barely any book reviews at all, only book hauls or tags. I'm a really lazy blogger myself, but if your only posts are book hauls or tags it sends the wrong message to me. It says, "I'm only interested in showing off/getting pageviews", like, do you even read?
- Comment verification. I dislike comment verification with a burning passion!!!
- No images in your posts, like, at all.
- Getting series books in the mail for review. It just makes me feel bad, especially if I never had any intention on reading that series in the first place. I wish publicists would consider whether their reader would actually read the series, if they have the first books... email ahead of time instead of simply posting them off? I love getting books from publishers, don't get me wrong, it's just... I don't have much space in my room for more books, so this certainly doesn't help.
- On reviews - be personal too. I don't just want a summary of what happened in the book. I want to know what you think.
- Getting random indie author friend requests on Goodreads. I know you're trying to get your book out there but I explicitly state in my description that I don't accept indie authors unless you're also a book reviewer. That also goes for normal members who don't review books but also request me as a friend.
- The drama. I haven't seen any of it lately, but that might be due to the fact that I haven't been as active on the Blogosphere...?