So at the end of 2013 I was looking for something that would help me wrap up the reading/blogging year for me. I finally found it! This challenge consists of one question a day, for the first two weeks of the new year. I'm coming into this a little bit late, but that's never stopped me before! Thanks to Parajunkee for your continued creativity!
Day Two: Pros & Cons of Blogging
- The community: I've met so many other readers around the world who love reading as much as I do, who I can share my thoughts and ideas and opinions with, my excitement and disappointment, anticipation and desperation. You guys are awesome! <3 :D
- I discover new books. There are so many titles I would otherwise not have picked up had it not been for the encouragement and pushing from fellow readers and publishers.
- Being closer to publishers and authors
- Getting perks-- stuff for review and the occasional swag. More on this in the 'Cons' section.
- The community pushes me to read more, I think. Particularly Goodreads, but also the Blogosphere. Seriously, I push on around 60 books a year. That never would have happened had it not been for book blogging and the book community in general.
- I can write about books... and I love books! I love geeking out over them, and knowing that you guys GET IT.
- Receiving comments. Seriously, they make my day. Sometimes I don't reply (I forget!) but I appreciate and love every single one I get. :)
- Looking at book porn (aka. book hauls).
- Guilt over not reading all the books I receive for review
- Guilt over not reviewing every book I read on time
- Blogosphere drama. I haven't heard much in 2013, except for I think the beginning of the year?
- The pressure to post more often
- It's a lot easier to keep track of Booktube than it is the Book Blogosphere. I'm always behind on my book blogger reading... I might have to further prioritise my book blogs so I at least get around to my absolute favourites...
- Bad on my bank account... so many recommendations, I just want to read them all!