So at the end of 2013 I was looking for something that would help me wrap up the reading/blogging year for me. I finally found it! This challenge consists of one question a day, for the first two weeks of the new year. I'm coming into this a little bit late, but that's never stopped me before! Thanks to Parajunkee for your continued creativity!
Day Fourteen: My Blogging Wishlist
- More email pitches from my beloved publisher/publicists, rather than just receiving the books in the mail. Sometimes I do get surprised with a book I really wanted to read, but it really is a lottery.
- A better Netgalley ratio. This one is embarrassing. Let's more on, shall we?
- A search function on Feedly!
- To not get stuck in a blogging/reading slump.
- Meet more fellow book bloggers and readers, as well as authors, publicists, etc. Maybe go to a few more author events + SWF2014?
- More space on my bookshelves.
- To connect with the book community more, discover even more amazing books and have a great reading year! :D
So that's the end of this end of 2013/start of 2014 challenge/meme thing. It was heaps of fun. I did skip a few of the categories, but I got to the end (a bit late, but life and not being bothered got in the way). I've got lots to catch up on. Don't worry, I'm not going to disappear right after this. In fact, I'll be posting a new review very shortly. And I'll figure out how to catch up on my book hauls too.
Happy New Year, everyone! Hope you all stay safe and happy & have a good reading year!