So at the end of 2013 I was looking for something that would help me wrap up the reading/blogging year for me. I finally found it! This challenge consists of one question a day, for the first two weeks of the new year. I'm coming into this a little bit late, but that's never stopped me before! Thanks to Parajunkee for your continued creativity!
Day Eleven: TBR Shelf - How many?
**I skipped #8-10 in the NY challenge because I didn't have anything to say about them. I have a lot to say about my TBR shelf though.
I'm definitely not going to physically count my books and my TBR is only a rough number because I have lots on my swap list and/or I've stopped wanting to read, so... over at Goodreads I have 374 on my TBR shelf. 94 of those are on my swap list, so my official number is 290 books.
Should I be feeling proud, like a hoarder, or ashamed? Because I kind of feel a combination of all three. I do resolve to whittle down this number somewhat this year. I probably won't make much of a dent since I just can't seem to stop buying books or receiving new books for review, but I'm going to try my hardest. Please tell me there are people out there who have dug themselves even deeper in the TBR debacle...