Friday, June 16, 2017

Down the TBR Hole #1 + Giveaway


Down the TBR Hole is a meme/feature hosted by Lia (Lost in a Story). Hopefully this will remind me to read some of these long-lost, woeful books that have been sitting untouched, forgotten on these bookshelves of mine.

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?

I've added a twist: if there are any books that I do decide to let go, I'm going to host a giveaway. First person who says they want it, gets it! Aussie only.

Let's get started!

Current TBR count: 443

Brightly Woven by Alexandra Bracken
Release date: 23/03/2010

I don't even know where this book is! But I still really want to read this one! >_< It sounds bloody amaze-balls. Why have I still not read it?!?!? Wizards. Quests. Secrets. "Through a journey that spans a country, magic and hard-won romance are woven together with precision and brilliant design by a first-time novelist." Need I possibly say more? 

Verdict: KEEP

Sea by Heidi R. Kling
Release date: 10/06/2010

I'm pretty sure I got this for my birthday all those years ago. Either that or a giveaway. I loved the idea of this book, and I still think I will adore it when I finally get around to reading it. There's an Indonesian boy in the book! Since when do you ever see Indonesian characters at all in YA? It's definitely a summer read, so it'll still be sitting on the shelves until then...

Verdict: KEEP

Before I Die by Jenny Downham
Release date: 05/07/2007

Do I seriously have a copy of this book? Ugh. I'm so terrible. It must be somewhere around here... anyway, this book is about a girl who makes a list of things she wants to do before she dies in a few months. Number one of that list? Have sex. This one is going to break me, I already know it. (Once I find my copy of it, seriously, it could be anywhere...)

Verdict: KEEP

Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
Release date: 02/03/2010

This still sounds like a bunch of fun, and I think when I do get around to reading it I'll enjoy it. But because it's part of a series, I think I'm going to just catch this at the library. I'm getting a bit older and this is certainly starting to read a bit young for me.

Verdict: GO (not available)

Losing Faith by Denise Jordan
Release date: 17/09/2010

I was so excited for this book. I remember when I first started book blogging I loved supporting debut authors, and I ended up winning a poetry contest for a free Losing Faith writing journal. And I really still love the idea of this book: grieving the loss of the sister you disliked. So much time has passed that I'm scared of not liking it. One day...

Verdict: KEEP

So what do you think? I actually love this feature and will probably be continuing it in the future! When was the last time you saw these book covers gracing your screen on a book blog? Forever ago? I thought so. You're welcome. Let's talk. If you've read any of these, give me a big jab so I can read it sooner!

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