Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Teaser Tuesday (2)

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading.
Grab the book you are currently reading and randomly post a couple sentences.
I actually missed last week's Teaser Tuesday, sadly. I had too much going on.

Here is a teaser for "The Mermaid's Mirror" by L. K. Madigan (review copy from Netgalley):

"Lena stood up, giving one final look at the sea, then turned her face up to the sky. She closed her eyes as the rain slid down her face like tears, and whispered, "I just wish I knew for sure."

She remained standing, emptying her mind, visualizing the smooth interior of a conch shell. And like a conch shell, her mind filled with the sound of the ocean."
This is a special week. As I am reading two books right now, I have another Teaser for this Tuesday.

Here is a teaser for "I Say Tomato" by Katie Wall (won copy from goodreads):

"I stretch my arm up and see that it makes a shadow on the wall in front of me. In my old flat, you could also do this. Every night, Tobey and I used to put our hands up in the shape of ducks' faces and our shadows would kiss each other good night.

I make a duck's face with my hand and open and close its mouth. George then puts his hand up and makes some sort of crocodile shadow, which starts humping my duck. I immediately pull my hand down. George laughs, I don't."

So there you have it. Hope you enjoy this week's Teaser Tuesday!


pussreboots said... [Reply]

Enjoy your books. Mine is from Golden Conspiracy.

Unknown said... [Reply]

One sentence and I don't like George! Kick him out of bed I say. Check out my Tuesday Teaser here


Unknown said... [Reply]

I like both the cover and teaser for The Mermaid's Mirror. Lena's despair is obvious.

Mine's here.

Enbrethiliel said... [Reply]


The teaser from I Say Tomato is hilarious! And pretty good, too. =) The contrast between Tobey and George could not be better defined. I suppose she'll pick Tobey in the end? Well, consider me properly teased! =D

Deepali said... [Reply]

What a cute website, especially your header logo!
Also, I liked the mermaid teaser...is the book out yet?
Here is my Teaser for the week -
George R R Martin

Kaye said... [Reply]

I like the first one from the Mermaid's Mirror. Sounds like a wonderful read. Hope you're enjoying it. Here's my Teaser
Have a great week and happy reading!

Kathy Martin said... [Reply]

I really liked The Mermaid's Mirror. Great teaser:

I don't think George is long for the relationship in the second teaser. I haven't heard of that book before.

My teaser is from Blood Song by Cat Adams.

ham1299 said... [Reply]

Both are quite interesting!

Thanks for visiting Proud Book Nerd! :-)

Aimee said... [Reply]

Great teasers! I haven't head of either of these books!

My TT is here

Cass said... [Reply]

Hmm, well I don't know. That quote is from chapter 2-3, and the main character, Sunny and Tobey broke up. She's just friends with George-- he's kind of a playboy. I just flicked to that page and knew that this would be my teaser. :)

I really like that excerpt from The Mermaid's Mirror. I think it's very close to poetry.

I've got to learn to use shorter teasers. It's only meant to be 2 sentences!!! xD I just can't help it. I need the teasers to actually mean something. Thanks for visiting. I'm off to sleep now, will comment back later. :P

Beverly said... [Reply]

Happy Tuesday! I just love this meme! I get to see so many great books. Have a great week, happy reading. Stop by at The Wormhole to see mine! I am a new follower.

Marce said... [Reply]

Mermaids teaser is mesmorizing, love the cover also.

Emma Michaels said... [Reply]

Loving you teasers and became a follower! Hope you will also check out My Teaser. Also wanted to give you a heads up about my amazing news that my debut novel is being released Friday the 13th this August. Hope you will check out the announcement or my second tab.

Emma Michaels

Corrine said... [Reply]

Enjoy your books! I really liked The Mermaid's Mirror, I hope you do too! :) Great teasers! :)

Lillie (AliseOnLife) said... [Reply]

Interesting teasers! I have two also, this week.

Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said... [Reply]

Both books sound really sweet... I hop0e you're enjoying them. Thanks for coming past Page Turners, nice to find other australian bloggers

jlshall said... [Reply]

Those are both excellent teasers! Haven't heard of either of these, so I've got two new authors to check out.

Laurel-Rain Snow said... [Reply]

What captivating teasers...love them!

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Lillie (AliseOnLife) said... [Reply]

My teasers run long, too. I don't know how to cut off an interesting thought!

Yesterday, I had trouble accessing my comments, but I just noticed your interest in my teaser from The Starlet. I've posted my review and a giveaway that I am hosting, if you want to visit the blog again.

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