Title: Jessie Hearts NYC {goodreads}
Author: Keris Stainton
Publication (dd/mm/yy): 01/07/11
Publisher: Orchard Books (Hachette)
Source: Publisher for review
Age: 13+ Slight sexual scene
Age: 13+ Slight sexual scene
Pages: 250
My Rating:

Jessie's just arrived in New York, hoping to forget about her awful ex.
New Yorker Finn is in love with his best friend's girlfriend.
They might be perfect together, but in a city of eight million people, will they ever find each other?
My thoughts:
Wow, what a quick read! At only 250 pages (and the font is HUGE) it was just really easy to power through right to the end. I'm surprised by how I enjoyed this book. I've always had this pre-existing fascination with New York City, and I think this book is just perfect for those who share that same interest.
Jessie Hearts NYC is told in omniscient third-person alternating narration, between Jessie who is getting over her breakup and living the dream in New York for the summer, and Finn who is in love with his best friend's girlfriend. The "hook" of this book is - ARE THEY GOING TO EVER FIND EACH OTHER? I personally believed there was a bit more to it than that.
I must say that the cover on the computer just does not do justice for the real cover. The gold is SHINY and really stands out. I love the detail that is put into the cover as well - there are buildings that are "lit up", and the title and author are incorporated in the signs. Really nicely designed. The spine of it is much of the same, and looks great on the shelf.
The characters in this book are really endearing, no matter how undeveloped they might be. I mean, you get some insight into what is going on with the characters, as well as some future plans and histories of the main two characters. But I was really curious as to why Jessie's best friend came along with her, what was her family life? What are the circumstances surrounding her that led her to go with her friend? I think there was just that lack of background knowledge. I wanted to really know them.
I will say that the plot was pretty predictable. Once I knew a bit about the characters, I knew what course the events would go. It reads very much like a familiar chick-flick. Not necessarily a bad thing, especially if you're in the mood for a hugely fun, funny and spunky story.
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