Monday, July 12, 2010

CLOSED 50 Followers Contest!!! [International]

Bumped end date 10 days earlier, sorry for the inconvenience, but I think the contest would be running for far too long, and I'd rather finish this sooner. Thanks, and good luck!

To celebrate my blog receiving 50 followers, I think it's only right to have a little treat for those who visit me.

You must be a follower to enter. Please disclose whether you're an old follower or a new follower. (old followers before 11th July get +2 extra entries!) To enter, leave a comment. If you have extra entries, you can either bundle them all in one post, or leave separate ones- they will still be counted either way!

Extra entries:
(+1) follow me on twitter (@cc9309)
(+1) link to the giveaway on twitter, facebook, goodreads, etc (+1 each link, leave links. For twitter, while many tweets are appreciated, only +1 is given for linking)
(+2) post it on your sidebar/contest page (leave link)
(+3) blog about it (leave direct link to blog entry-- it doesn't need to be a dedicated post)
(+1) Answer the question: What is your favourite '10 debut novel so far? or What is at the top of your wishlist?

You can link to my giveaway by using the code below:

Words on Paper CONTEST

Count your EXTRA entries and total them up. It makes it easier for me to count the entries as a whole.

I will use to determine the winner/s. Thank you for visiting, and may luck be on your side!

Ends July 21st, 9 pm (GMT +10). I will announce the winner on August 1st. If I get up to 100 followers, I will add in another winner, so two lucky readers can potentially win a free book of their choice! (under $15 AU*)

There will be more contests in a month or two, so stay following and if you don't win this time around, there will be more chances! :D

* if you are a winner, I will e-mail you promptly. Then you ask for what book you'd like with a direct link to The Book Depository page-- have a few books in order of preference. ALSO no pre-orders, however if there is a new release in the first two weeks of August, I might be able to order it.


♫♥✿Chas @ LovLivLife Reviews✿♥♫ said... [Reply]

Aloha. Congrats on your 50 followers!

(+1) twitter @lll808
(+2) sidebar:
(+1) Answer the question: What is your favourite '10 debut novel so far? or What is at the top of your wishlist?

Too many to count for both questions. Right now on the top of my Wishlist is Waking The Witch by Kelley Armstrong (and Linger!)

I am a new follower of your blog. My email addy: lllinthe808[at]gmail[dot]com

Total: 4
If i added incorrect feel free to make amends.

Mahalo for this giveaway!=)

Mystica said... [Reply]

I am a new follower!

As everyone would say the wishlist is enormous. I would like Still Missing, Sea Escape, Free to a Good Home, Bees and Mist, and so on.

Thanks for making this international. Much appreciated.


Marcie said... [Reply]

+1 follower on twitter
+2 put your giveaway button on my sidebar and contest page
+1 I think I looking forwad to linger, clockwork angel and mockingjay
total: 4
Thanks for the contest and congrats on your followers.

Super Librarian said... [Reply]

I'm a new follower! Great contest.

At the top of my wishlist are: Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher, If I Stay by Gayle Forman, and Hate List by Jennifer Brown.

tsuper (at) iupui (dot) edu

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Hey, I wanna say thanks for this super awesome giveaway ! Congrats on the 50 followers ! Haha, I have a long way to go till I reach that many !

New Blog Follower !
+1 Twitter Follower
+1 Tweet
+1 Fave '10 Debut:
Other by Karen Kincy. The book was amazing !

Total: 4

Thanks so much !


Kristen said... [Reply]

I'm a new follower!

(+1) following on twitter @bookgoil
(+1) Tweeted:
(+1) Answer the question: What is your favourite '10 debut novel so far? or What is at the top of your wishlist? My favorite Deb so far has to be... Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins and I also really want to own it someday! :-D

dragonzgoil at gmail dot com

Shy said... [Reply]

Hi there! I am one of your new followers =)

+1: Follow on Twitter (@shy8629)

+1: Tweeted (

+1: Books on top of my wishlist are Angelology by Danielle Trussoni and The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff

+2: Sidebar (

+1: Goodreads (

+3: Blogpost (

Total entries: 9

Thank you so much!


Anonymous said... [Reply]

+1 New GFC collower
+1 Top of my wishlist is "Lotus Eaters"



LoonyMoonyy said... [Reply]

+1 follower @vacilici
+1 tweeted :
+2 side bar: Http://
the top of my wish list is the replacement and night shade !!!!!

Unknown said... [Reply]

Congrats on the followers!
I'm a new follower.
+1 follow on twitter @mbreakfield
+1 tweeted
+2 sidebar
+1 I'm really looking forward to Demon from the Dark by Cole.

Heidi V said... [Reply]


New Follower
+1 - Twitter @heidivargas
+1 - Tweeted -

Giada M. said... [Reply]

Congrats and thank you for making this awesome contest international!:)
I'm a new follower

1 - I follow you on twitter @hatshepsut0011

Thank you for this chance!

Giada M.

fabgiada (at) gmail (dot) com

Sweet Lady Jess said... [Reply]

Thank you so much for this contest! I really appreciate it!

I'm a new follower.

+1 I follow you on twitter: @SweetLadyJess

+1 Tweet:

+1 Facebook post:!/SweetLadyJess?v=wall&story_fbid=142451972437399

+2 Right sidebar:

+1 At the top of my wishlist is Beautiful Darkness but that book doesn't come out until October 12th. Following close in second place is The Iron Daughter which comes out August 1st!!! Can't wait!

6 extra entries!

Thank you again!

-Jessica T.


The Library Lurker said... [Reply]

+2 old follower
+1 I follow on twitter @thelbrylurker
+1 I tweeted:
+2 sidebar
+1 My favorite '10 debut so far is Sea by Heidi R. Kling

=7 extra entries

Thank you so much for this contest!

Josette said... [Reply]

Hey Cass, please count me in! I'm a new follower. :)

(+1) follow on twitter (@josettebooks)

(+1) link to the giveaway on twitter (

(+1) Answer the question: What is at the top of your wishlist? Crank by Ellen Hopkins

Total entries: 4

Thanks for the contest! :)


brandileigh2003 said... [Reply]

(+1) follow me on twitter (@cc9309)

(+1) link to the giveaway on twitter, facebook, goodreads, etc

(+2) post it on your sidebar/contest page (leave link)

(+1) Answer the question: What is at the top of your wishlist? Beautiful darkness

Total: 6

A Story Untold said... [Reply]

Hello!Thanks for the contest :)

I am a new follower.
+1 Follow you on twitter (Aten__Ra)
+1 Tweet (
+2 Sidebar (
+1 On the top of my Wishlist is The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff and Paranormalcy by Kiersten White.

Total : 5

Email : giotav(at)gmail(dot)com

Tina said... [Reply]

Thank youuu!!
I'm a new follower! :D

+1: My favourite '10 debut novel so far is twilight (yeah... I know it's very thypical but you know, since then I start to read more and more)

Total: 1

Joo Yun said... [Reply]

Thank you.
+1 at the top of my wishlist: The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami
Total: 1

Dovile said... [Reply]

I'm a new follower

+1 the book at the top of my wishlist right now is Witch & Wizard by James Patterson.

Total: 1

Thank you for making this open internationally!

spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

latishajean said... [Reply]

Great giveaway thank you very much
new follower
+1 twitter follower/latishajean
+1 can't wait for Iron daughter,crescendo,linger ,torment by lauren kate so many good ones My favorite is Last sacrifice!

Colleen Turner said... [Reply]

+1. New follower.
+1. Favorite 2010 release, to date, is My Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger.
That is a total of two entries!

Julie S said... [Reply]

New Follower on GFC
New Follower on twitter (@juliecookies)
Top of my wishlist: The last 4 books in the house of night series, books 9 and 10 of the sookie stackhouse series.


Cass said... [Reply]

[Cass @ Words on Paper]

Oh lord...I'm going to have to count all of these entries!!! :O Thanks for entering everyone! Ooh, closing in on 100 followers. Only 16 more followers left. It's interesting to see everyone's answers. Kind of a random WoW from every commenter. :)

Alessandra said... [Reply]

+1 new follower on GFC
+1 new follower on Twitter @alessandra83
+1 tweeted:
+2 linked to your contest on my blog's sidebar:
+1 at the top of my wishlist there's Matched by Allie Condie (unfortunately, not released yet)

Total: 6 entries

starrpower said... [Reply]

twitter follower +1
wordsonpaperya follower +1
twitted contest+1-

posted on goodreads+1

The book that i've been waiting on is Firelight, I can't wait!I also loved Glimmer Glass and Hex Hall.This is a great giveaway saw your blog on

email- stacedog01 at yahoo dot com

Eden said... [Reply]

+1 for Tweeting:
+1 for following on Twitter
+2 for sidebar
+1 My favorite debut novel fo 2010 is Still Missing by Chevy Stevens. It's amazing!

Unknown said... [Reply]

I'm a new follower.
+1 Follow on twitter @amandawk
+1 Tweeted.
+2 Posted on sidebar.
+3 Blogged.
+1 At the top of my wishlist is The Passage.
Total: 8

Julie G said... [Reply]

I'm a new follower and my favorite debut novel of '10 has been Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver!
+2 for me!

Darlyn said... [Reply]


+2 New blog follower and twitter (@darlyn5)

+1 twitted

+2 link to sidebar

+1 On top of my wishlist is Mockingjay!


darlyn225 at gmail dot com

Ashley said... [Reply]

Congrats and thanks for this contest!

I'm a new follower!

+1 I follow on twitter @booksobsession

+2 Sidebar at

+1 I can't wait for "Matched" and "Mockingjay"!

Total: 4

Sugar and Snark said... [Reply]

New Follower :)

(+1) follow on twitter (@Lusbookblog)
(+1) giveaway on twitter -
(+3) blog about it (
(+1) I can't wait for The Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead and Dracula in Love!

Total: 6

Laura Hartness said... [Reply]

Congrats on all your new followers! You're almost to 100, and I was #98! So I'm a new follower, of course.

Following on Twitter (@LHartness)



Top of My Wish List:
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

I think this math is right:
+1 Comment
+1 New Follower
+1 Follow on Twitter
+1 Tweeted
+2 Sidebar
+1 Wishlist answer

So 7 points total?

Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

Laura Hartness
The Calico Critic
CalicoCritic at gmail dot com

Caitlin said... [Reply]

Hey! Thanks for the giveaway! I'm your 99th follower! One more to go! XD

+1 comment
+1 new follower
+1 follow on twitter (@ScarrletReader)
+1 What I have at the top of my wishlist is MockingJay and Clockwork Angel!
= +4



Unknown said... [Reply]

I'm a new follower!
+1 Follow on Twitter (@celebidal)
+1 Tweet (
+1 On the top of my wishlist is Eternal Kiss of Darkness
My mail is

Total 3 points

throuthehaze said... [Reply]

+1 I am a new follower. In fact I am your 100th! Congrats!!

+1 follow on twitter @throuthehaze

+1 tweet:

+2 Right sidebar (under Contest Buttons):

+1 Ascendant by Diana Peterfreund and Jane by April Lindner are at the top of my wishlist.


throuthehaze at gmail dot com

elioravespera said... [Reply]

+1 New follower, #103!!

+1 follow twitter:



(+1) What is your favorite '10 debut novel so far? or What is at the top of your wishlist?

It should be Mockingjay! I love the Hunger Games series and I. CAN'T. WAIT for the final book!!!

AndreaC said... [Reply]

I'm a new follower. Glad to be here!

AndreaC said... [Reply]

Horns is at the top of my wishlist right now. I just finished reading Heart-shaped Box by Joe Hill and loved it so much I ordered his second book!

Unknown said... [Reply]

Im a new follower
+1 ---> At the summit of my wish list lies Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead. It may not be out now, but I pray she will have some ARC copies out. I love me some Dimitri!


-The Moody Teenager

Anonymous said... [Reply]

I am new follower. Please add me to email list if you have one. Please enter me in contest.

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