Okay, so most of my trial exams are over. I don't think I've done all that well, but after a whole year of this, I'm kind of sick of learning. I just want to read all day, to be honest. (I now have over 20 books in my TBR pile, and that's not including the books that are coming) I'll stop talking and give you the giveaways & links...
- 4 books to be won! 3 are highly-anticipated YA ARCs!! {♥} @ Lauren's Crammed Bookshelf | August 24th
- Virgin Territory, a 2010 YA release. The cover looks pretty cool! @ Roots in Myth | August 27th
- Win $100 in books! @ Grab a Pen | August 22nd
- Infinite Days audiobook MAKE A COVER CONTEST {♥} @ Rebecca Maizel's (author) blog | August 31st
- Guess the Cover contest! @ Page Turners | August 31st
- Choose one of three titles! @ The Eclectic Reader | August 31st
- Shade by Jeri-Smith Ready review + contest @ The Book Butterfly | September 4th
- MASSIVE ARCs giveaway @ Carol's Prints | September 6th {if you found out about this from my blog, please refer me! "Cass - Words on Paper", and you'll receive +1 entry}
- Mockingjay, #3 of the Hunger Games trilogy, by Suzanne Collins is due for release in the US in 5 days!
- (AU) Kevin Rudd's (ex-PM) daughter, Jessica, has released her first novel, Campaign Ruby! A stunning, prophetic debut, "chick-lit". I'm interested to read it! {link}
- Totally hilarious, and I'm hoping a sarcastic take on Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins + ARC contest {link}
- UK vs. US book cover wars continue... Another edition, The Soul Screamers series {link}
- Book sharing: "to share or not to share..." Candace's thoughts on the topic. {link}
- Top 10: Favorite contemporary/YA novels @ A Good Addiction {link}
I got my second award! Thanks, Brandi at Blkosiner's Book Blog for the great award. Here is how this award works:
I got my second award! Thanks, Brandi at Blkosiner's Book Blog for the great award. Here is how this award works:
- Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
- Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
- Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

- Scoot @ see scoot read (Super sweet, new blogger)
- Joni @ Lost in Y.A. Wonderland (Nice, new-ish blog)
- Romy @ Lost in Stories (Great title, layout and reviews)
- Holly @ Good Golly Miss Holly (Great features, plus she's a fellow Aussie blogger!)
- Jess @ Confessions of a Bookaholic (One of my favourite blogs)
- THE Chapter Chicks (I love love love their vlogs & reviews!!)
- Khadija @ Black Fingernailed Reviews (I love this blog!)
- Kari @ Under the Fairy Dust (Love the cute title!)
- Linna @ 21 Pages (Layout love!)
- Carly @ Wirting from the Tub (Fantastical reviews)
- Monica @ The Ramblings of a Book Addict (Probably surprisingly, I found her blog from her vlogs on 'tube)
- The Readings of a Busy Mom (Adorable header, and great features)
- The Overflowing Library (Her library really does overflow!)
- Arena @ The Nerd's Wife (I ♥ the name!)
- Mavie @ The Bookologist (I dunno, just enjoy visiting her blog so much)
Such an awesome award :) Thanks for sharing the love Cass!!!
I love your blog too :)
Aww!! Thank you so much. You are so sweet :) Congrats on getting the award yourself and thanks bunches for passing it onto me!!
Happy Weekend :)
Thank you so much! Congrats on getting the award, and thank you again for thinking of me! Have a wonderful weekend ^_^
Congratulations on the award and I loved your reasonings for passing it along. Very cute!
Thanks for the links and the news....
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for the updates and congrats on the award girl! :)
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