I never had intentions on starting this kind of feature, but I like the idea of letting you all know what I'll be reading for the month ahead. This was
inspired by all TBR pile features I have read, but I must credit Holly (
Good Golly Miss Holly), since I wouldn't have started this without her. My monthly reading
stack will be posted on the first Friday of each month. I'll also reflect on what I read the previous month.
Enjoy and share your own lists! :)
(Subject to change. I have a history of not sticking to plans. :P)
Dystopian |
I'm re-reading Delirium now, so I can be ready for Pandemonium! And, if you had any doubt at all, I'll be reading Insurgent the moment it arrives in the mail. I was so, so happy when I got the memo that it's been shipped out. =D I'm not really sure whether I'll have any dystopian to read next month, but what I have this month is worthy of many squees!
Thriller...? |
That blood tear streak (TIR) just kills me everytime I see it - especially the animation, which is HERE! I must, must get to reading the first two. The Book of Blood & Shadow is only a reward if I can get through everything else. Fingers crossed! It's been a long time coming.
Historical |
All three of these books suffer the pretty girl in a dress cover complex that pervades the YA genre. I'm not complaining though, especially with Clockwork Collar. The detail in the collar is just gorgeous. Covers aside, I cannot wait to continue with Finley's story in Clockwork Collar, and to start the Legacy series [1] [2].
Contemporary |
So I'm reading Holier Than Thou and I'm liking the direction. I'm waiting to click with the characters at this point, so I'm just hoping I do end up feeling Holly the way I felt Amelia (Good Oil). As for Skin Deep, I recently found out that this book has been out for a while in the US and there was this one review that really intrigued me. I really like the idea of it, which is apparent in the title I'm sure.
Things of note:
- Most of these are reviews copies
- I bought 2 of these: Insurgent and Book of Blood and Shadow
- Comment with which book I should read next, which ones you've read, which ones you want to read, or are interested to read more about.
- No Goodreads links are provided, simply because the titles are there on the covers, so if you're interested, go look them up! :)
Wait, there's more! I'll try and slip in a
random book to read every single month. Basically I'll use Random.org to pick one of my to-read books listed at Goodreads. Go visit I'm Loving Books (click on the banner) to read all the details and join in!
#142: Outside In by Chrissie Keighery
Uh. There's a reason I haven't read this book yet.
Oh well, that's my random read for this month!
- Free Four: Tobias Tells the Story (#1.1) by Veronica Roth {my thoughts}
- Storm (#1) by Brigid Kemmerer {review to come}
- The Assassin and the Pirate Lord (#0.1) by Sarah J. Maas {my thoughts}
I read all of these in the second half of April. I just could not fit in time to be reading for fun, when I had exams and assessment tasks, and therefore, READINGS to go through. And just being unable to read anything because your eyes are sore. It sucks. But gladly, what I did read was fabulous. I would heartily recommend any of these books.
As you can see, I only read 3 full-size (by that I mean 250+ pages) books, which I'm a tad embarrassed about, but I've got a better feeling about May! For one, everything is much more chill. No uni, only one assignment I have to do before the holidays end, but that's in 3-4 weeks from now so that's no problem at all.
Fellow Aussies and Southern Hemispherians, be sure to stay warm as we head into the cooler months of the year! Nothing better than a hot/warm beverage/soup and something good to read when it's cold outside. Okay, so I know that in Sydney we're only getting to 13 degrees celsius (55 degrees fahrenheit), but still. It's getting cooler. For the rest of you, I hope you've got plans for the summer ahead of you. :)