In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi of The Story Siren, and inspired by Alea at Pop Culture Junkie! Participants are required to tell all about what they've received in the mail--anything bookish!
I completely forgot about my book buying ban. Spent my first $30 this month on something that isn't uni related (or survivng-at-uni related :P). Pre-orders, so they'll arrive in the coming weeks/months. Boooooks! They're too pretty to resist.
At least I don't spend my money on other things, like clothes. Ha.
Continue! :D
* All release dates go in the format (dd/mm/yy)
* Any books I have already read will have a sort of mini-review and the rating I have given it up until now written.
* Yay for new features!
For Review:
Black Painted Fingernails by Steven Herrick

(30/05/11, Allen & Unwin - requested)
Road trip book! I really like the cover. The map of QUEENSLAND goes all over the front and back. It's a pretty small book. I hope to read this soon. I also really like that quote that goes with the book: "How about we toss a coin? Heads, it's west and a lift. Tails, it's still west, but no lift."
The Opposite of Amber by Gillian Philip
(01/06/11, Bloomsbury - requested?)
Yes, this cover rehashes the cover image for Far From You (Lisa Schroeder), but this one is about mysterious killings and dead girls. I get the shivers whenever I look at the cover - partly because it seems almost as cold here as where that photo was taken. You know, minus the snow and translated to the Australian weather.
Beauty Queens by Libba Bray
(30/05/11, Allen & Unwin - requested)
Sigh. I read the beginning, and I can already tell this is going to be a HILARIOUS and SATIRICAL book. Haven't read any of Libba's previous books, though I've been dying to for ages. Will be sure to delve into this soon.
Happy Birthday to Me by Brian Rowe
(07/04/11, author - accepted)
Just read the preview that Rowe provides. That was enough to tell me that I needed to at least give this book a chance. There's been some good feedback so far, so fingers crossed!
Unlocked by Ryan G. Van Cleave
(01/06/11, Bloomsbury:Walker - requested)

Heh. Forgot to include this in the photo since I'd already read it by the time it was taken so it was in another pile.
- Faithful by Janet Fox
- Fire (#2) by Kristin Cashore
- Divergent by Veronica Roth (preorder)
My review. "The words ... just ooze down the page ... a class example of quality writing within the YA genre." "All that stuff you've read about Divergent up until now? All. True."
I'm attended Kristin Cashore's author event for SWF this year! I haven't read Graceling yet, so I'm a bit worried I'll be spoiled for the sequel. (I'll at least read Graceling by the 22nd)
And of course, Divergent finally arrived in the mail. To be honest, I like the Australian cover more. But since I already handed that over to my brother, I'm stuck with this brand new copy. I really love what's behind the jacket flap though. ;) Beautiful. And I recommend this book to ANYONE.
By the way, does anyone have MATCHING paperbacks of these books? I'm really glad I have a set, but it looks a tad strange. Just wondering if Graphia maybe published/is planning to publish Fire in paperback?
The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle
* I didn't mention my Galley Grabs last time. I got Cleopatra Confesses, Possession, All the Things You Are, Ordinary Beauty, The Lost Crown and The Day Before. Look them up yourself, because I'm lazy right now.
Q: What is your system for getting rid of the packaging from the mail?
I'm asking this because my pile has once again grown to dangerous levels.
Happy Reading! Comment with your IMM links!! :D And sorry for the rushed IMM. I really have to go now!
Since last IMM...
- Currently Reading:
The Lost Saint by Bree Despain
Graceling by Kristin Cashore
- Read:
The Dark Divine by Bree Despain
Unlocked by Ryan G. Van Cleave
- Next up:
The Taste of Apple by James Laidler
- Reviews:
Glass Houses by Rachel Caine