Tuesday, November 2, 2010

[Author News] New YA Author Alliance Blog!!

These crazy ladies write OUTSIDE THE LINES.
(+ a man :P)

You're saying you follow enough author blogs? Had enough author lovin'? I mean there's already so many! There's: The Contemps, readergirlz, Author Mix, Author2Author, Teen Fiction Cafe and many more. I personally just love reading about the "behind the scenes" of book publishing and writing, and hell, do these author blogs deliver.

I mean, how cool is that name? I'm supposing this is the song that inspired the name, since, well, it's posted there.


I break tradition
Sometimes my tries
Are outside the lines

We've been conditioned
To not make mistakes
But I can't live that way, no

("Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield)

Who They Are
This line-up is really quite special. There's Holly Cupala, one of my favourite authors (she has her own tag on my blog!!), as well as Wendy Delsol - I loved her debut novel, Stork, and am eagerly awaiting its arrival on my doorstep. :) I'm also seeing some authors whose books I have not yet picked up, but are very very high on my wishlist. Most of the authors are contemporary authors, which is just basically LOVE.

There's not much yet, since it JUST opened up on the 1st. Go forth, little critters, and click that 'follow' button like vampires and zombies and unicorns will thrash upon your flesh if you so happen to not concede with my orders. :)

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