Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Rest Is Still Unwritten...

 It's been 3-4 days since I found out my university offers. Sorry, I've been depressed and haven't felt like going online or blogging.





I'm kidding. I was so incredibly lucky to have been accepted to my first preference university! UTS, here I come! *puts on Cali-sunglasses even though it's the dead of night* And because I've been so totally stoked for university, I've been neglecting my reading. Gah! Plus, I need to head to the post office. I'm dreadful. Count the first (maybe second) New Years' Resolution that I've broken. I know I keep making excuses, and here is the real, truthful, reason as to why I have not posted anything yet. It has either been too hot, or too windy or raining. My parents are home. My brother is home. No one is home but I need to take care of the dog. Etc. See the pattern here? I keep on making excuses to talk myself out of going outside! I keep on telling myself "Oh, I can go tomorrow..." when I know that I mean that I just don't want to go to the post office. Because I'm scared to go. I'm afraid to lug 4 kg worth of packages over my train station to the other side, risking being seen by someone I know, going to the counter of the post office, buying packages, and having to fork over cash to send over stuff I should've sent over months ago! And there you go. That is my ultimate excuse, and it is the one that holds the most truth to it.

Now that that's out of the way:

Please help me! I'm sick, mentally. I'm afraid of the post office!

Anyone else from Sydney and has gone to/is going to/plans to go to UTS?
I'm so excited! :DD I know the university is expensive and stressful, but I'm so excited to get to work, meet new people, join some clubs, play sports, and be a uni student! Of course, this means that I won't have nearly as much time to read as I used to. Which saddens me, and also wills me to leave the blog & reading scene every now and then. I will probably have periods of time where I'll take a leave of absence with blogging, and for that, I apologise. But it is definitely needed. I need a job. I need to do things again.

To celebrate, here's an "old" song. :)
This is one that I found by browsing the radios. I love finding those old songs that I was too young to appreciate back in "its day". I might make a special of this--like, for any Saturday post I make, I'll post a video for an old song that I discover.

Go on--tell me about your university experience? Perhaps you're a "commencing student" as well? Maybe you're still in high school, or graduated university years ago... Give me some ammunition, please!

Also, for any artists (or bored & insomniac souls) out there, my username on iSketch is cherii. Add me if you want! We can duel each other, reader to reader! :D

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