I hope you're all safe and didn't party too hardy last night. (Australasia)
So I didn't do anything elaborate to celebrate the beginning of a new decade, but I did get to watch the fireworks from the safety of my living room, in my sleep gear, ready to sleep after watching the spectacle. While everyone actually at the city had to make their own ways home, or spend their night at someone else's backyard or whatever. Thinking about it like that, I kind of got off lucky. :P

I've taken the plunge--100 books in one year! Last year I got up to 59, starting from May, which is fabulous. I can't wait to read even more this year. I definitely have my doubts, considering I'm starting university, and no doubt there's going to be a lot of hard work involved in that, but I'm feeling a bit daring.
Challenge Details
- Timeline: 01 Jan 2011 - 31 Dec 2011
- Rules - Read 100 or more books in 2011
- All books can crossover into other challenges you have on the go.
- Only print books and ebooks count (no audiobooks).
- You can join anytime between now and the later part of next year.
- At the beginning of Jan 2011, I will add a link so you can add your reviews but this is not obligatory.
- You don't have to have a blog to join in - for those without a blog just FILL IN THIS FORM and I will add you to the list - just join the discussion in the comments section to let us know when you've read a book and what you thought of it! :)
- You can also follow each other's progress and chat about the VC books you read on twitter too - just use #100BooksInAYear :)