I'm so excited to bring on the new year, because come June 14th 2011 my blog will be turning one! I wonder if by then I'll have become a better blogger. There's always a little room for improvement. I wish everyone a Happy New Year, and hope that you've got somewhere to be; relax; enjoy the night; stay up late; party; do whatever you want--heck, even sitting down and reading a book will suffice. Make sure you're with those you love, and I'll be back in a few days with some reviews. :)
Blogger / Reader Resolutions
1. Let some of the blogs that I've been following go so that I may finally comment more on the blogs I actually like to visit, and whose entries I actually read. I also vow not to follow another blog solely for a super awesome contest. At least, not without checking the place out first.
2. Read more! I'm very proud of myself for 2010. I have never read so much before in my life (58), and I hope to read even more in 2011!
3. Keep on top of my reviews and posts. I'm apparently better than some other bloggers on this, but not by much.
4. Continue to be honest in my reviews. Also, not to take review copy requests if the book does not appeal to me initially.
5. Reply to comments and emails without delay.
6. Send out prizes I still haven't yet been able to send. Generally, be better with contests.
7. Spend less time on the computer so that I can get to 100 books!
8. Read a couple classics, as well as books that aren't in my comfort zone.
1. Make friends in university (maybe ones that will actually go out at nighttime. :/), while keeping on top of all my work. Keep in touch with old friends.
Personal Resolutions

For those wondering, I have decided on nursing and my mum has already gone and ordered several textbooks (10>) to guide me to RegisteredNurse-dom. For some reason, I'm excited to be starting university!
2. Be healthier. Not be as picky with my food. Exercise more. Actually sign up for a gym, which I so wanted to do once I graduated high school.
3. Get my Ps by the end of the year! I'm almost at 50 hours, baby! (*sigh* only 70 hours more)
4. Keep my room tidy, opened parcels and mail in the trash/recycling bin, organise my clothes, etc. My room is still in a horrendous state, especially after Christmas, and all blogger freaks and some of my friends would be repelled to even pass the doorframe leading up to my room.
5. Do something to better the community. Maybe volunteer work, or even just dropping "wish coins" everywhere, heads-up, of course (Dash & Lily-style).
6. Get a job. It's going to happen!
7. Help out more around the house.