In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi of The Story Siren, and inspired by Alea at Pop Culture Junkie!
I'm astounded by the amount of review copies that were lying on my bed when I came back from my vacation with my friends. My bookshelf (which has 2 shelves) is going to collapse soon enough; it's holding a TV & set, as well as 50 or so books. Well done!
For Review:
This is my second copy, so I'll be giving this one away soon for my Aussie readers, before the release date in January. (If I had no qualms about it, I'd be giving this to one of my friends for Christmas)
I'd already won an ARC of Matched a while back, but I'm so glad that Penguin sent me a finished copy, before I went and bought a copy myself. It looks stunning in real life. :D
I've heard only good things about this one--I have no doubt that I'll fall in love with it. :)
Wereworld: Rise of the Wolf by Curtis Jobling
Haven't heard much about this one. Or anything, really. It's the first of a fantasy series, and it's got a map in it. And the full moon reflects my face when I look into it. Sounds good!
The Twilight Saga, Eclipse: The Official Illustrated Movie Companion by Mark Cotta Vaz
Thanks to:
Penguin Australia
Hachette Australia
How to Say Goodbye in Robot by Natalie Standiford
I pre-ordered this back in October. Heard great things about this one, and I'm ecstatic that it finally reached me. :)
Little Women by Luisa M. Alcott
Yes, I'm reading this one because of FRIENDS, the show. Too bad I already know a part of the ending... :P I'm hoping I do end up liking this one. I don't seem to have the patience required to follow through with a classic...
More nothing!
Who is your favourite author, and what would you say to them if you met her/him?
What's going on this week / What happened since last IMM?
- Currently Reading: Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler
- Next up: Dash and Lily's Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
- Reviewed: Radiance by Alyson Noel
- Upcoming Reviews: Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler, Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, Across the Universe by Beth Revis
- Read: --