I've been wanting to do some sort of a wrap-up post with 2010, with regards to reading books and blogging. What better way to get started than through Persnickety Snark's challenge? Hope you're a part of this challenge too! If you are, go ahead--comment and link to your blog so I can check out what great reads you picked up in 2010!
Today's 5 is for...
Great YA Movie Deals
I'm not that well clued into the book-to-movies department, so I'm certain I will have missed more than a few. In no particular order.
If I Stay by Gayle Forman
Summit Studios / 2011

I have such high hopes for this one. I don't need to say it again, but I loved the book that I'm so anticipating the release of the movie, as well as news of further developments. If the movie is a success, I'm sure they'll do a movie adaptation for Where She Went too! :)
The DUFF by Kody Keplinger
Wonderland Sound & Vision / 2013
I'm really not sure how I'm going to feel about seeing the story in a movie theatre. Maybe I'd be more comfortable watching it on my computer screen. I'm sure there'll be many cringe-worthy moments, considering the book's content. Still, I'm very interested to see how this one goes.
Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
Fox 2000 / 2012
As long as the producers do it right: make Sam & friends a bit more likeable, not make the days too repetitive, keep important plot points--I think this could be a real hit. *crosses fingers*
I actually really liked the book. I'm sure this movie is going to be successful, and I can't wait to see the action unfurl on the big screen!
The Dead of the Night (#2, Tomorrow) by John Marsden
Screen Australia / 2012
Unfortunately I have not yet read the books by Marsden, but I watched the movie and found it to be beyond amazing. I was even more astonished to discover that this was Aussie lit! Yeah, but after seeing the first movie, I am more than cnvinced that reading the books will be well-worth my time. :)
Honourable Mentions:
Haven't read the book yet, but I have no doubt that this is going to be one that I'll enjoy.
Matched by Ally Condie (IMDB link?)
I believe that the movie of Matched will be popular, and it's possible I may enjoy it more than the book.
The Schedule
December 21 - 5 Great Debuts
December 22 - 5 Great Covers
December 23 - 5 Great Series
December 24 - 5 Great Re-Reads *facepalm* it seems I've deleted this post...
December 25 - 5 Most Anticipated
December 26 - 5 Hopes for YA in 2011
December 27 - 5 Great YA Movie Deals
December 28 - 5 Great Author (in the flesh) Moments
December 29 - 5 Great YA Bloggers
December 30 - 5 Great Miracles that Occurred to Get Me Reading More ______ (choose your genre)
December 31 - 5 Best Titles for 2010 (which I double because 5 was too hard).
December 22 - 5 Great Covers
December 23 - 5 Great Series
December 25 - 5 Most Anticipated
December 26 - 5 Hopes for YA in 2011
December 27 - 5 Great YA Movie Deals
December 28 - 5 Great Author (in the flesh) Moments
December 29 - 5 Great YA Bloggers
December 30 - 5 Great Miracles that Occurred to Get Me Reading More ______ (choose your genre)
December 31 - 5 Best Titles for 2010 (which I double because 5 was too hard).