I have been TAGGED...again! This is an international game of tag and I've been tagged by Steph at The Thoughts of a Book Junky. While I have already done this, I guess I'll answer some questions about myself so you can get to know me even better, and tag four other bloggers so we can learn about them.
In red is the original wording. I have just adjusted the wording a bit because I've already answered these before. {link} Copy only the RED text if you've been tagged, please. :)
- 4 Things on my Bed stand (4 Things in my Purse):
- My currently reading book
- Remote controls for my TV
- Lamp
- Drinks and/or soup cup
- 4 Things on my Wall (4 Things in/on my Desk):
- Posters or various printed photos & fanart
- My timetable for school (next to my computer; don't need anymore since I just graduated)
- Basketball hoop (from Jump Rope for Heart)
- Dreamcatcher (and *haha* it's not above my bed, not even near!)
- 4 Things in my Bedroom that shouldn't be there (4 Favorite Things in my Bedroom):
- My mum's camera (used for IMM and other stuff)
- All these cups & empty/half-full bottles!!
- Knitting stuff + square--it was for a charity project that I was meant to hand in last month!
- Bathroom scales (I've had it in here for years!! Also haven't used it in years!!)
- 4 more Things I Always Wanted to Do (but haven't yet):
- Write a novel
- Go to a BEA convention in the States
- Learn a EUROPEAN language (such as...French!)
- Go bungee-jumping
- 4 Things I Plan To Do Tomorrow (4 Things I Enjoy Very Much at the Moment):
- Make notes for study
- Going to library with some friends to STUDY, and maybe check out some books :)
- Finish reading Bright Young Things and be halfway through A Blue So Dark
- Open some packages. Yes, I'm expecting stuff in the mail!! :D
- 4 Songs I Can't Get Out of My Head:
- Who Am I by Plumb
- What's Good for Me by Lucy Woodward (from WHAT A GIRL WANTS! <3)
- I'll Make a Man Out of You from Mulan
- Face Down (acoustic) by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
- 4 more Things you Don't Know About Me:
- I am Chinese --> Cantonese (I have been called: Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, Mexican, Half Asian+something else, oh the list goes on...such is the life of an Asian, though)
- I keep all the packages I've ever received (via online shopping or book-related thingies) in one little corner of my bedroom. One day I may show a picture. It's at least a metre tall now...
- I have worn the same watch on my left wrist since Year 7. It's a Baby G. :)
- We just got a little puppy, Maltese x ShihTzu, called Tofu. {img link}
- 4 more Vloggers/Bloggers who I am tagging:
- Stacy & Jessica @ Chapter Chicks
- Holly Cupala, author of Tell Me a Secret
- Cindy @ Princess Bookie

Cass, Tofu is absolutely adorable!! You have the cutest ball of puppy I have ever seen. More pics?
I'm Canto too! What a lovely coincidence. Nei hou ma? XD
And your package pile sounds hilarious. Omigosh - you should do a room/bookshelf/pile tour. That'd be a great post.
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