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Source: ♥ (I had my own graphic ready but I like using the original!) |
The Aussie Book Tag was created by Ngoc @ Happy Comes First. I actually saw this on another Aussie book blog, and I wasn't tagged, but that won't stop me from doing it anyway! I am so glad that Australia has a great book community, it's pretty overwhelming actually! Why, I went to the A.S. King event at Kinokuniya, Sydney a couple of weeks ago and there was a squad of like 10 teenage girls, which was pretty cool. Anyway, I digress. On to the books!!!
To add the challenge I'm going to include Aussie books/authors ONLY.

* k o a l a *
(a character you want to cuddle all day long)

I loved Hannah when I read Steal My Sunshine. She was super relateable and I could see bits of myself in her. I felt like I knew her. She's my soul sister. I empathised with her family situation, and I loved how authentic her response to the history surrounding her family unfolds. She is such a genuine person, shy and creative and quietly bold. Hm. I'm due for a re-read!
I just want to give Hannah a big, big, big hug for being her!
* v e g e m i t e *
(a book you dislike that everyone loves)

At first I also liked this book, but then I found how it didn't sit right with me. It was disturbing to me, this romance. It's creepy! And toxic. And way over-the-top and overbearing for my tastes. I know most people loved Warner, but I'm not a big fan.
* s o c c e r o o s *
(favourite fictional squad)
Tomorrow When the War Began by John Marsden

Hoo boy. This one goes to these gutsy teenagers, no competition at all. They go through so much, and I love all of them so much! Yeah. I have no more words. If you don't know anything about these kids you're missing out. You better fix that right now.
* s o u t h e r n · c r o s s · s t a t i o n *
(most recent 5 star read)

The Things I Didn't Say by Kylie Fornasier
Guys. GUYS. This. THIS.
Read it.
That is all.
* p a t r i o t i s m *
(favourite book by an author in your country)

Woo! There are so many great Aussie books out there. Phew. Deciding just one book is kind of tough, but I went with this book because it is an absolute gem. Everyone knows about this book now, and for good reason! Brilliant writing, great use of voice, an important book about a devastating part of German history. Just. Yeah. Also, how often do you get to read from Death's POV?
* e c h i d n a *
(a book you like to look at, but it physically hurts to read)

{review tk}
I wonder if I could ever sing this author enough praises. I just love her honesty and poetic writing style. This was the kind of slow-burning, beautiful ache, so while I crown this book the pretty-book-that-is-physically-hurts-to-read crown, I mean it in the best possible way, because this book WRECKED me.
* n e d · k e l l y *
(a book that is really grim, but an iconic must-read)

My Sister Rosa by Justine Larbalestier
Not sure if this one could be considered "iconic", but it is certainly grim and a must-read. I have even given this book to one of my best friends and she actually finished the book (she is notorious for not finishing books) and loved it too! Super creepy read.
* g r e a t · b a r r i e r · r e e f *
(a book that had you gaping in awe)
Fairytales for Wilde Girls by Allyse Near
Probably gaping is the wrong word, but I was mystified and blown away by how magical and fantastical and beautiful this book was. The illustrations are the icing on top of this delicious book-cake. Seriously. This book might make you high on sugar.
* p a v l o v a *
(a light, fluffy book that you can't help but love)

Good Oil by Laura Buzo
Oh good God. How I loved this book so.... It was such a feel-good and kind of fluffy read, very Australian and fun and just perfect. I loved the characters, the setting - Woolworths - and it made me feel all the yays. :)
* m i l o *
(a genre/author you reach for to get you out of a reading slump)
Stephanie Perkins!!!
I know, I know. She's not an Aussie author, but I haven't read enough Aussie fiction to have an author I'd read to get out of a reading slump. I'm sure once I get around to some other prolific authors (*ahem* Melina Marchetta) I'll have an Aussie answer for this, but for now.... I don't think Stephanie Perkins even needs any further explanation.

Tag - you're it!
Chiara @ Delicate Eternity
Krutula @ YA On My Mind