Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and the Bookish. Every week a new topic is chosen, and I love answering questions so I'm going to try and post regularly. :)
Top Ten Best Books I've Read This Year
I'd say that my 2017 has been really good so far for reading. One thing that I feel bad about is that most of the books I've read have been from the library! Like, yay libraries and everything, but I SHOULD BE READING MY OWN BOOKS! I HAVE 400+ UNREAD! Yikes! Anyway. Minor details. Let's get on with the list, shall we?
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Aussie YA! #LoveOzYA |
Such a heartfelt and beautifully written story about twins! </3
Begin, End, Begin (A #LoveOzYA Anthology) | Review
Had some of the greatest and most original short stories I've ever come across!
The Things I Didn't Say | Kylie Fornasier | Review
Powerful and raw, inspiring and eye-opening, about a girl who navigates high school life with Social Anxiety and Selective Mutism.
The Peony Lantern | Frances Watts | Review to come
Set in feudal Japan, brilliantly researched with some lovely characters - this book had me aching to go back to Japan!
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Contemporary YA FTW!!! |
This book was just... all of the things! All criticisms aside, this was such a sweet story and I loved the characters to bits!
Under Rose Tainted Skies | Louise Gornall | Review
I do NOT give 5 stars very often anymore, so when I give a book 5 stars, it means that it had this rare superpower of giving me all the fuzzy feelings inside! When have you EVER read a character with agoraphobia?
Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven | Review to come
I love Jennifer Niven so much! While I love All the Bright Places as much as this book, I've got to give it to this book: BEST. FEMALE. PROTAGONIST. EVER! Thy name is Libby...
All In Pieces | Suzanne Young | Review
I really didn't expect to fall in love with this one as much as I did. Tough topics ✓ Strong/vulnerable female protagonist ✓ Smart, slow-burning romance ✓
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Verse novels 4 life! |
Wow, was this book intense! Told in verse, dual perspectives. A love story involving a "Romanian gypsy" that addressed so many tough topics, emotional for sure!
Chasing Brooklyn | Lisa Schroeder | Review to come
I only just finished this book, but I feel like this story is the kind that will stick. The emotions explored: grief, guilt, fear, sadness, are so real.

Who's surprised that I've decided to stretch this past ten? Can't help it that I've read so many kickass books this year! These ones aren't YA, so that's why technically I haven't counted them, which means they're fair game... right?
Come on. Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen) is a classic, and I really enjoyed reading it. Milk and Honey was open and honest and raw, and I really found myself relating to many of the topics and issues explored in (Rupi Kaur)'s poetry. The Best of Dear Coquette is a great read for any young adults (I'd say at least 16 years+) full of advice for all sorts of life's problems. When Breath Becomes Air (Paul Kalanithi) is a heartfelt and beautifully written account of a neurosurgeon's transition to cancer patient. And The Book of Joy is freaking about the Dalai Lama meeting Archbishop Desmond Tutu, but moreso about achieving joy in amongst the sadness and despair of the world, a truly inspiring read!