Friday, July 21, 2017

Down the TBR Hole #6


Down the TBR Hole is a meme/feature hosted by Lia (Lost in a Story). Hopefully this will remind me to read some of these long-lost, woeful books that have been sitting untouched, forgotten on these bookshelves of mine.

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?

* I'm not offering actively "giveaways" anymore - but if you're an Aussie resident and interested in any of the books I'm giving away, feel free to ask about them! I'm happy to give them away, just that there hasn't been that much reception in the past. Otherwise I'll be trying to sell the books through Carousell. ;)

Let's get started!

Current TBR count: 417

North of Beautiful by Justina Chen
Release date: 01/02/2009

I hoped that this would be an illuminating book that sends an important, age-old message to readers: beauty is only skin-deep. I'm still interested to read this one, so...

Verdict: KEEP

Waiting For You by Susanne Colasanti
Release date: 14/05/2009

I think I may have outgrown this book? I dunno, it's not really capturing me as much anymore. I might pick this up one day, but I'm happy to let go of my copy. Not really interested in this relationship-y stuff.

Verdict: GO

Gimme A Call by Sarah Mlynowski
Release date: 01/01/2010

Sounds like another cute summer read - she drops her mobile phone and it calls her younger self - but I have had this one for years and it might be another case of having outgrown it. Still, I would never say never.

Verdict: GO

The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han
Release date: 05/05/2009

This is totally another summer read, and I'm not sure if I'm going to like this series or not, but I'm keeping it because it's part of a trilogy and I have all the books, and it's Jenny Han!

Verdict: KEEP

Something, Maybe by Elizabeth Scott
Release date: 13/03/2010

I still have yet to read an Elizabeth Scott book, and while this one sounds really fluffy I want to keep it around in case if I ever need a pick me up. :) It definitely sounds cute and fun!

Verdict: KEEP

Have you read any of these books? Do you disagree with my choices? Are there any of these that you're interested to read? Let me know in the comments!

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