So at the end of 2013 I was looking for something that would help me wrap up the reading/blogging year for me. I finally found it! This challenge consists of one question a day, for the first two weeks of the new year. I'm coming into this a little bit late, but that's never stopped me before! Thanks to Parajunkee for your continued creativity!
Day Three: Books of 2013 You're Sad You Missed
- Wild Awake by Hilary T. Smith - Holly recommended this to me and I trust her taste in YA contemporary fiction.
- Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell - This book has exploded in the book community. I suppose I'm waiting for the paperback release, but still, I wish I'd been able to read it in 2013.
- The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman - I just really wanted to read this book, right from the start. But it's so expensive and I could never justify the purchase, so I'm waiting for the US paperback release.
- Reality Boy by A.S. King - A.S. King is on my auto-buy list. I haven't picked this up because I'm two books behind (from Everybody Sees the Ants)...
- Vicious by V.E. Schwab - Heard amazing things about this, and about Schwab in general. Really need to read some of her works, but I'm most excited about this since it's a standalone adult fantasy novel!
- This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sales - I love books about music, plus I've heard great things about it, and Leila Sales in general.
- Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz - It is like sacrilege to have not read this book yet. Ugh. Waiting for the paperback release. Really hoping to fall madly in love with this one!
- White Lines by Jennifer Banash - I like edgy every now and again. This one has received good feedback too, love the cover, love the concept and it seems like the subject content will just suck me in.
- In the Shadow of Blackbirds by Cat Winters - This book has PICTURES in it! Waiting for the paperback on this one too. This is on my must-read for this year!
- All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill - Heard a lot of good things about this title too. I feel a bit guilty over not having read it yet, actually...
- City of a Thousand Dolls by Miriam Forster - Right from the start I knew I wanted to read this. Just. Yeah. I need this in my life!
- The Archived by Victoria Schwab - Hey, it's Victoria Schwab again!
- The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken - This made it onto many top-books-of-2013 lists. I got about 40 pages in via Netgalley but I knew I wanted to buy a physical copy so I could really get into it.